creative retreat experiences
Benefits of Art Therapy are:
-letting go fears and negative feelings.
-seeing life in a different perspective.
-fostering self-awareness.
-exploring complex emotions such as sadness or anger.
-processing grief and loss.
-reconciling emotional conflicts,
managing addictions.
reducing anxiety and increasing self-esteem and the quality of life.
reducing everyday stress and promoting relaxation.
enhancing a persons emotional, spiritual, social and physical well being.
be surprised at how quickly drawing is able to open up deep patterns in your life.
Art Therapy can be for all ages, everyone can make art (even a squiggle)
and gain insight and personal empowerment through the art therapy process.
Art therapy focuses on the inner self and finding that special gift we each have and allow them to shine.
The Art therapist does not teach you how to draw or paint.
They do not critique or judge the art, they allow the art to be there.
The process of art making taps into the reflective parts of our mind.​
There is no wrong way to express yourself creatively.
No art experience is needed just a willingness to be open to the process.
creativity is who you really are
Art therapy is a specialised form of psychotherapy.
It is not so much about understanding pictures as it is about the process of creating them.
Clients are facilitated by an art therapist to support and give one structure while holding space for you to be truly you and express what you really need to express and heal through that process.
Art therapists assess peoples state, this is done through observing and witnessing the person, the art process and the artwork.
Through art we can make the unconscious conscious.
"what I'm looking for is not out there it is in me " Helen Keller
Sometimes you don't have the words to express how you are feeling.
Art therapy offers a non-threatening approach to treatment that is specifically helpful for people who are reluctant or find it difficult to talk about their current challenges, When you are unable to express yourself but you desire emotional release, then art therapy may help you to do it.
It can be less threatening to discuss and explore one's feelings in terms of a piece of artwork than in direct relation to oneself.
"I found I could say things with colour and shapes that I couldn't say any other way - things I had no words for" George O Keefe